ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualification Board):
Number of Questions: 40
Item Types: Multiple Choice
Exam time: 60 Mins.
Passing score: 65% (26 Questions must be attained in order to pass.)
Syllabus for ISTQB Certification Exam:
Section: 01–Fundamentals of Testing
- Why is Testing Necessary?
- What is Testing?
- Seven Testing Principles.
- The Psychology of Testing.
- Testing and Quality
- Code of Ethics
Section: 02–Testing Throughout the Software Life Cycle
- Software Development Models
- Test Levels
- Test Types
- Maintenance Testing
Section: 03–Static Technique
- Static Techniques and the Test Process
- Review Process
- Static Analysis by Tools
Section: 04–Test Design Techniques
- The Test Development Process
- Categories of Test Design Techniques
- Specification-based or Black-box Techniques
- Structure–based or White-box Techniques
- Experience-based Techniques
- Choosing Test Techniques
Section: 05–Test Management
- Test Organization
- Test Planning and Estimation
- Test Progress Monitoring and Control
- Configuration Management
- Risk and Testing
- Incident Management
Section: 06–Tool Support for Testing
- Types of Test Tools
- Effective Use of Tools Potential Benefits and Risks
- How Introducing a Tool into an Organization